With our consultations wrapped up, it's onwards and upwards. We have locked in dates, and have begun the process of designing the initial 10 week workshop series. There will be some educational aspects, some small group beat-making projects, and some #tablejamz which everyone seemed to really enjoy.
We will have educators from Heaps Decent to assist us with some of these sessions, alongside our existing facilitators, which will allow us to cater to the individual needs of our group as far as basic introduction to these tools, or a more sophisticated skills development.
The full list of course content is below, with this initial series primarily focused on Ableton/Ableton Push, using the gear which we have to create beats, then re-purposing the gear and beats for a performance context, culminating in a performance as part of 107 Projects' Friday Social.
Our first session will be a get together for all participants, at 6pm on September 19 at 107 Projects, and will launch in earnest from October 10th, then weekly at 6pm for the following 10 weeks.
September 19 - Intro to Hack Sounds, other members and tools
BREAK (1 to 1 sessions may be available on request during this period)
October 10 - Intro to Ableton
October 17 - Intro to DJ / VJ
October 24 - Intro to Mogees
October 31 - Intro to Makey Makey
November 7 - Ableton (sampling)
November 14 - Ableton (Song Making)
November 21 - Performance preparation
November 28 - Performance skills & rehearsal
December 2 - Friday Social Hack Sounds performance
We invite submissions for taking part in the workshops, as places are still available. Please email hacksounds@107projects.org if you're keen to get involved.